Baltimore Maryland Commercial Reupholstery - Washington DC- Sujeta Upholstery

Do You Know the Hidden Costs Of Warehouse Furniture Deals?

Don't Be Fooled by Low-Cost Reproductions.... Discover the Lasting Legacy of Beauty, Comfort and Craftsmanship Hidden in Your Own Forgotten Antiques!

We've seen it happen over and over of the most common investment mistakes a property owner can make!

commerical reupholsteryAnd while your family or employees drive off to the nearest furniture warehouse to buy mass-produced replacements for a few hundred dollars, Bulk Trash hauls away antiques that could increase your net worth by much more....
But here at Sujeta Upholstery, we bring your heirlooms back to life!

Whether you are refurbishing your home or redecorating your office, we understand that your antiques are valuable assets - and we give them the meticulous care they deserve!

They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore...But We Do!

Years ago, building furniture was a long, painstaking, loving process...a single piece could take weeks to create. They were built to last...and they did!

You can get furniture that looks like that today...but chances are, a piece of furniture built today won't last anywhere near as long - and will lose its value quickly over time! There are two reasons for this:

chair frameHere at Sujeta Upholstery, we take care of old wood, the old-fashioned way. Depending on its condition, we may sand and refinish it, and repair or replace damaged pieces or reinforce them with new wood. When we're finished, your antique will have the structural strength to last another lifetime! And that's not all.

You Don't Just Choose Your Fabric - You Choose What Goes Under It!

fabricOnce upon a time, furniture was stuffed with natural substances...cotton or horsehair, usually, layer upon layer over springs. Today, these natural substances are replaced with foam cushioning... Which inevitably deteriorates over time. It is possible to find new furniture with all-natural materials, but it is usually difficult and very expensive!

But here at Sujeta Upholstery, we give you your choice of materials...whether all-natural materials or natural materials plus foam.

Not only this, we give you a wide variety of fabrics, patterns, and colors to match to your décor. Whether you're looking for pure cotton or a synthetic blend, solid, patterned, or textured, we have the fabric to suit your needs and budget.

We literally rebuild your antique to order, starting from its bare wood structure, using the traditional methods used for generations!

Restore Your Valuable Antique to Fit Your Needs Today!

Take another look at that antique that's been asking for attention for -- how long now?
Sure, you can replace it for a low-cost reproduction that will decrease in value...and then pay for another replacement when the new piece wears out, with nothing to show for it in your long-term net worth...

...Or... you can re-invest in an antique that has already stood the test of time!

Preserve and protect your valuable antiques with reupholstering by Sujeta today, and watch as they continue to enrich your environment (and your net worth) for years to come!